New Machine Learning Algorithm for Breast Cancer Detection
AI is very quickly expanding in the healthcare industry. Its primary role has been to automate processes to make it easier for employees to work on more complex... Read more.

Swarm Intelligence Metaheuristics, part 2: Particle Swarm Optimization
Welcome back to our series on Swarm Intelligence Metaheuristics for Optimization. On this post, we will focus on Particle Swarm Optimization. Recall we define M... Read more.

Two of a kind: Digital Transformation and Data Strategy – Part 1
There is one striking element that does not seem to have been addressed as a common purpose between business teams and IT teams when confronting Innovation or D... Read more.

Build your own Apache Ignite persistence with Scala
Apache Ignite is a distributed in-memory cache, query and processing platform. Discover how to build your own Apache Ignite persistence with Scala.... Read more.

Swarm Intelligence Metaheuristics, part 1: Ant Colony Optimization
This post will focus on a class of metaheuristics known as Swarm Intelligence. The most amazing feature of these algorithms is their ability to solve complex pr... Read more.

Statistical Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms (Part 2)
This is the second (and last) part of the series dealing with the formal comparison of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms from a statistical point of view. In thi... Read more.

Apache Ignite: More than a simple cache
Apache Ignite is a distributed in-memory cache, query and processing platform for working with large-scale data sets in real-time (leaving aside, streaming proc... Read more.

Statistical Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms (Part 1)
In industry, when a practitioner (often a Data Scientist) uses a machine learning algorithm to build a predictive model to solve a real-world problem, they are ... Read more.

Evolutionary Feature Selection in Big datasets (Part 2)
This is the second chapter of a three-part series on Evolutionary Feature Selection with Big datasets. We will start where we left off, namely with a review of ... Read more.

Introduction to Deep Learning Part 3: Recurrent neural networks & LSTM
The human brain and our algorithms are hardly alike, as Neuroscience and Deep Learning are quite different disciplines, but some of the concepts still give supp... Read more.