


Your data is ready to talk to you Stratio has been using generative AI in the Generative AI Data Fabric product for a while now. It didn’t have a chatbot-like interface which we all now associate with generative AI (meaning ChatGPT of course), but the technology has been firmly integrated into several of our core modules including Data Governance and Data Quality, automatically generating quality rules and business rules directly from the metadata. In addition,…

How Data Fabric enables the Metaverse As emerging technologies and trends continue to shape the future of the digital world, product leaders must stay informed on the latest developments and evaluate their impact on their roadmap. One such trend is the Metaverse, a virtual shared space where users can interact with each other in a seamlessly integrated digital and physical environment. According to the Emerging Tech Impact Radar: 2023 report from Gartner, by 2026, 25%…

Representatives from Stratio BD, BBVA AI Factory and Bizum agree on the challenge and the need to work with data in real time with scalable solutions. In recent years, big data has become a powerful tool in all sectors – from marketing to healthcare. In marketing, for example, it is used to build targeted messages; in healthcare it is used to predict diseases and design personalised treatments; and in city traffic management it is used…

Oscar Méndez, CEO of Stratio spoke at the recent Big Data & AI conference in Barcelona on Current data trends: the union between Data Fabric, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse. With standing room only in the auditorium, Oscar shared a realistic vision of what the future holds and gave the key to making the Metaverse mainstream. We, at Stratio, know that companies are not getting all the value that their data can offer. Through big data…