Everis is a multinational consulting firm providing business and strategy solutions, application development, maintenance, and outsourcing services.
Stratio has just added top-k queries support to its Lucene based implementation of the Cassandra’s secondary indexes. This implementation was originally designed to allow embedded full-text and multivariable search in Apache Cassandra.
Once the Data Sources API has been released, we’ve wanted to take advantage of these new features and, for this reason, we have developed a Spark-MongoDB library. With this new connector we help the growing MongoDB community to simplify the interaction with this datasource via Spark.
Once Data Sources API has been released, we’ve wanted to take advantage of these new features and, for this reason, we have developed a Spark-MongoDB library. With this new connector we help the growing MongoDB community to simplify the interaction with this datasource via Spark.
In the next tutorial you will learn how to migrate data from MySQL to MongoDB. We will show you how to do it using Spark step by step. From creating a configuration for the player RDD to the installation guide for prerequisites components. Easy and intuitive!
Stratio has a new Partner, Xeridia: specialized in technology consulting, software development, and systems integration. Since its founding in 2003 it has stood for a high level of technology and expertise, with Big Data technology as one of its pillars.
The Cassandra Summit 2014 took place on September 10-12 in San Francisco with more than 2000 attendants. The summit was split into 3 days, with Training sessions the first and third day and Conference sessions with 6 tracks on the second one.