
Artifical Intelligence


There are opportunities that only happen once in a lifetime, being it in a personal, work or self-development way, and when the opportunity to join Stratio, and even more the NUMA training programme, came my way, I didn’t think twice.

The Information Technology industry is sometimes perceived as a mostly-male one, and International Women’s Day (March 8) seems a good occasion for a little fact-checking: are women new to this business? Do we have any female references in IT-related fields? Sure, we all recall Ada Lovelace, considered the first programmer due to her work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, but… what about others? Let’s meet some women who, from a technical point of view, have patently influenced information technologies.

These past months have been filled with uncertainty, we have been living a pandemic caused by Covid-19 that has changed our lives and our daily habits; working every day from home, juggling and balancing our work and personal life.